





My Java Programs
Below are the Java programs I have made for work or independently.

Command Line Programs

Console Programs

Windows Programs

HTTP Server Programs

Command Line Programs

This is the first unofficial project I made for work.
It takes in a CSV file, and outputs the results
based on user input.


Windows Programs

This is the second unofficial project I made for work.
It takes in a CSV file, outputs the results
into a window table. From there, the user can select a single Pokemon,
and an HTTP server is made, and displays the selected Pokemon.
save disk  


HTTP Server Programs

P1-MTG Group Project 1
This is the second official project I made for work.
It was also my first group project. This project combines
The HTTP server and SQL database backend we have
been working with, and combining them with frontend work with
HTML, CSS, and Javascript. I had a lot of fun
working with my partner on this project,
and we both are proud of our accomplishment.
Run the server, and go to localhost:8080 to see.
Java's Duke    GitHub Octocat
docker whale     

Pokédex v2
This is the first official project I made for work at Revature
It combines Java with HTML, which I do excel at,
so I am proud of the project. As I continue
with this project, I will be updating it regularly.
Check the CHANGELOG.md or README.md files in the jar
for more details about the project, or visit the repository
at GitHub. Java's Duke     GitHub's Ocotcat     Notepad Icon
